Category Archive: Reviews
Apr 21 2016
LootCrate: Drone edition
Drones are awesome and add greatness to just about anything.… Read the rest
Apr 12 2016
Tower Unite, bumpy start but it will improve
Yes, its been quite a ride for PixelTail games but their creation has finally been released to the public and so far it’s not bad, but there’s still some issues, like for instance server connectivity which is quite common for something like this to have considering a large amount of it is online only and it’s just a small complaint the real problem I have personally is the fatal error problem.… Read the rest
Apr 11 2016
Superman cereal not so super
My dad bought this for me to review and yeh it’s nothing special it’s taste wasn’t so great it didn’t contain corn syrup so that’s good but other than that it’s eh, at least the box is cool!… Read the rest
Apr 11 2016
Hardcore Henry is a bloody and I mean bloody good time!
Hardcore Henry may have been critically panned over here for mostly it seems the story but I think differently and I didn’t listen to most of those reviews I decided to take a look myself see if it was actually crap like the reviewers said and after seeing it I notice most reviewers have a different taste than mine because I thought it was like the title says was a bloody good time!… Read the rest
Apr 05 2016
Burger King hot dogs!
I finally got to try Burger King’s new menu item, the classic grilled hot dogs and they we’re really good, out where I live there aren’t too many choices for fast food hot dogs but now there’s two the Burger king hot dog and Dairy Queen hot dogs.… Read the rest
Mar 26 2016
Batman v Superman: Ben Affleck v superman
All kidding aside it was a really good movie it really made up for what Man of steel did which made me fall asleep, this movie was actually good and it gave Lex Luthor a good origin story.… Read the rest