Tag Archive: review

Mar 03 2017

Logan Movie review Spoiler free!

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Feb 07 2017

Mobile hell:game of war

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Nov 16 2014

Garethsmod is back!

Hello everyone! As you can tell this is, well, a POST!… Read the rest

Apr 04 2014

Goat simulator review coming soon and of course some gameplay

I will be playing Goat simulator in my next video and I will also be reviewing it so look out for that stuff soon.… Read the rest

Mar 27 2014

Attack on titan review

This is one of the best Anime’s I’ve seen in a while it’s really good i mean i need to watch more of it but i wanted to write this review first.… Read the rest

Mar 17 2014

Future review Deputy Dangle

This game is still in development but it’s a game much like octodad except you play as a police officer who by the looks of it is very stretchy and can climb up high buildings,I will be doing an earlier review for this game in the near future as soon as they get the demo out oh but if you want to see where there at right at the moment look up deputy dangle on facebook or search the name… Read the rest

Feb 15 2014

Monument men

Monument men is based on a true story of a group of older soldiers set out to save art from being destroyed by the Nazis who had stolen it to have it shown in the Führer museum.… Read the rest

Feb 14 2014

Woo Hoo, more helicopter action

I actually had to do this twice because I took out all of the target vehicles, it was fun anyways.… Read the rest

Feb 10 2014

Rust alpha review

This review is a review of a game that is still in its alpha stage so it’s not done and still very buggy,but i decided to do an early review on it since it’s got a lot in it right now.… Read the rest

Feb 08 2014

Again, Helicopters Rock

I just love using my helicopter in GTA-V

140203-0300 x264 from SugarFree Productions LLC on Vimeo.… Read the rest

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