Tag Archive: funny
Jul 28 2016
More ConnetiCon2016 stuff
Here’s some more footage from CTcon2016, sorry it took so long I was doing other stuff and almost forgot about it.… Read the rest
Apr 24 2016
Grand theft auto 5:the mod episode
I decided to do a little bit of a video on the mods I have in Grand theft auto 5.… Read the rest
Jun 03 2015
Fallout 4’s website has crashed and boy is there crash screen good
So if you’re having issues getting onto the site right now you’ve probably been greeted with the image in the post if not then take a look at it I don’t know why it’s so cool to me but I just like it and think anyone who hasn’t seen it should see it.… Read the rest
Feb 06 2015
Funny of the day #5
Here it is my next funny of the day, this one comes from the matrix revolution the hated movie of the trilogy but I think this scene probably redeemed it a bit because smith is just so right when he says this.… Read the rest
Feb 05 2015
Funny of the day #3
Today’s funny of the day comes from the youtuber markiplier,he’s going to teach us how to smash a bottle on our heads… Read the rest
Apr 04 2014
Goat simulator review coming soon and of course some gameplay
I will be playing Goat simulator in my next video and I will also be reviewing it so look out for that stuff soon.… Read the rest