Category Archive: Uncategorized
Jun 16 2016
Swamp Pop soda!
Hey, remember that soda from 10 Cloverfield lane Swamp pop?… Read the rest
Jun 11 2016
Deadrising 4 could be announced at E3.
Yeah I’m a bit late to this news, but better late than never.… Read the rest
May 31 2016
Alone In A Movie Theater: A short X-Men Apocalypse review
A short review of X-Men Apocalypse and me screwing around late at night in a movie theater.… Read the rest
May 04 2016
Response to Dose article “Here’s Why I Won’t Be Watching Netflix’s Newest Angry White Dude With A Gun”
Im responding to a recent article that was posted on a website that use to be a Canadian magazine called Dose, it’s probably because of the daily dose of bull crap but we will get into that soon.… Read the rest
Apr 24 2016
Grand theft auto 5:the mod episode
I decided to do a little bit of a video on the mods I have in Grand theft auto 5.… Read the rest
Apr 21 2016
LootCrate: Drone edition
Drones are awesome and add greatness to just about anything.… Read the rest