Category Archive: Anime

All things Anime


ConnetiCon gallery

Had a really great time this weekend i can’t wait for next year but while we wait let’s take a look at some of the pictures i took while i was there


Jul 14 2014

ConnnetiCon was awesome and here’s some awesome pictures.

ConnetiCon was really good this was my first year there and definitely not my last year I got to meet some really cool people who basically made my childhood and got to meet a lot of cool people and some old friends I made at other cons so anyway’s let me get to the photo’s

“Officer bad cop reporting for duty” yes if you’ve seen the lego movie 1 or 500 time’s like i did then you know this character as the personality changing officer bad cop this cosplay is really good and simple and I really like simple
the part that probably took some time was the megaphone but still it’s a simple and great cosplay and I thank this person for letting get a photo and I hope to see them at future events.… Read the rest

Jul 13 2014

What is a Disney?

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Jul 13 2014

Invader Zim and Gir

Invader Zim and Gir from SugarFree Productions LLC on Vimeo.… Read the rest

Jun 11 2014

A Piggy’s Tale

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Jun 09 2014

Gareth’s mod interviews Con Men

We were having a sharing glitch with this post so please look again… Read the rest

Jun 05 2014

GarethsMod Interviews Con-Men

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Jun 02 2014

Gareth’s Mod Exclusive Giancarlo Esposito

We were able to get into the panel featuring from Revolution and Breaking Bad and many other roles, Giancarlo Esposito… Read the rest

Jun 01 2014

I got a super F

Crocker made an appearance at Hartford comic con and he was handing out fresh F’s for everyone.… Read the rest

May 31 2014

8pm Live Shot Replay

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