I recently played a game called the ‘last of us’,now if you haven’t heard of the last of us you probably don’t play too much PlayStation.
The story
The game starts off before the zombie outbreak the main character Joel comes home on the phone with his brother Tommy on the line ,by the sounds of it he’s a carpenter and he’s trying to make sure a client doesn’t drop them from the job,his daughter Sara who was sleeping in the Living room wakes up and gives him his birthday present,the time skips ahead to a couple of hours Joel’s brother Tommy calls their house and Sara picks up the phone he’s panicking and telling her to put Joel on the line he is disconnected, Sara heads to her dads room to check if he’s there..this is where things start to get tense she starts watching a news report riots caused by the “cordyceps” a fungus that takes people’s brains and makes them go insane,during the news report there is an explosion from the city that Sara saw from the window,she goes down stair and goes to her dads home office,Joel opens the door and runs in and says the neighbors are sick soon after saying that their neighbor starts to smash the door opens as soon as the zombie smashes the door open Joel shoots him,Joel and Sara then exit the house and Joel’s brother Tommy out side they get into Tommy’s truck and drive towards the safe zone,they get to a traffic pile up and can’t go anywhere,a guy in the car in front of them exits and starts to yell in anger,infected them run out of the hospital and attack him,Tommy then backs up the car and heads into the downtown area near by as they try to drive through without killing anyone their car gets t-boned by another,Sara and Joel wake up and bust the windshield out,Joel exits first and is attacked by a zombie Tommy then comes up out of no where and kills the zombie,Sara’s leg is hurt and Joel carry’s her the rest of the way,they finally meet up with a soldier but his orders are not to save,the soldier opens fire on Joel and Sara Tommy Then shoots the soldier,*spoilers* Sara was shoot in the stomach by the soldier and dies,the game skips 20 years ahead to the new America ruled by the military,of course there are factions but well get to that.
If you played uncharted then you will probably get the controls down easy,basic controls and a lot of button mashing not to hard to remember.
Online play
Online is good it’s not your run and gun game you have to be careful because when your taken down unless you have a teammate near by your dead,my favorite game type is interrogation,the object of interrogation is to find out where the enemy teams lock box, to do this you have to take down the players of the enemy team and interrogate them once you’ve filled up the interrogation bar you can go to the enemy lock box but look out they can still take you down,the other game types are basically kill or be killed meaning that you better be fast and take down your enemy’s quickly.
Their are only two factions in this game that really matter so they are the ones I’ll focus on.
The fireflies
The fireflies are a militia that want to rid of the new government and bring back in the old one,they also focuses on finding a cure for the cordyceps,by this time period most of the fireflies have been wiped out but there are still many that fight.
The hunters
The hunters are survivors that kill to get their supplies they call the people who pass through their territory tourist,they stick to Pittsburgh where they killed off the military because of rationing and trust issues.
Final thoughts
The game was awesome defiantly deserves the ratings it’s been getting I can find a couple of issues with it but there not issues that are going to effect you there just not really important I would highly suggest this game even if you are a Xbox gamer just find a way to play it if you can and if not watch a gameplay series of it either way it’s still good.